ICHTHYS Theatre Productions is pleased to present an illustrated reading of the classic children’s story The Velveteen Rabbit by Marjorie Williams. This delightful tale of How Toys Become Real will feature the original art of local artists Kezia Hart and Heather Harrison-McRae, accompanied by the voices of eight local actors. Tune in for the premiere on June 12th at 2pm on the ICHTHYS YouTube channel, direct links to be found on our Facebook page and website (www.ichthystheatre.ca) Follow the life of Rabbit as he becomes, not just another stuffed animal in the toybox, but the real playmate and soulmate to his Boy, by his side through a life-threatening illness. Rabbit’s unwavering devotion earns him the reward of the Nursery Magic Fairy. A touching story of the power of love and service. Artwork by Heather Harrison-McRae (above) Kezia Hart (below) |